Bruins Top Trade Assets Going Into The Deadline

Bobby Ohr
February 28, 2024  (10:56)

Photo credit: Spectrumnews

The Bruins will have to make some moves if they hope a make a real run in the playoffs as the team has been struggling with secondary scoring and defensively lately. They do not have a lot of options to deal at the deadline but they do have a few players that can bring back a solid return.

2025 1st round pick can help the Bruins go after top deadline targets such as Hanifin and Middleton which would help them on D. They would need to trade away their first rounder in 2025 because they have none this season and it has been announced that many teams are looking for picks when it comes to trading away star players such as these two.
Mason Lohrei is another possible options for the Bruins as the young 6'5 defenseman has been playing very well this season but this would mean they would have to part ways with a D that has a bright future in the NHL.
Another young star that could be dealt is Matt Poitras, the Bruins would have to get a big return for him being as they need centermen but if the trade makes sense, we can see Sweeney dealing him before March 8th.
One of the most obvious options would be Jake DeBrusk, the winger has been struggling this season and with his contract coming up, there is a good chance he will be traded. The Bruins might be able to get a good return for DeBrusk even with he recent struggles since he has proven in the past that he can be a scorer in the NHL.
Linus Ullmark is another great option being as Swayman has been playing phenomenally this season, with a smaller cap hit and is a younger player. Ullmark has great value for a team struggling with goaltending as he is a proven number 1 goalie in the NHL.
Lastly, the Bruins should look at moving Derek Forbort and Matt Grzelyck, not necessarily for the return they could have but mostly because of their costly struggles this season. The two defensemen have had a tough season and are part of the reason Boston has been struggling defensively so much this season.
Only a week left before the deadline, GM Don Sweeney has quite a few chips to play with but he will have to go make some serious trades if he wants to make a run at the cup this year.
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Bruins Top Trade Assets Going Into The Deadline

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